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Advanced Diploma in Business Management


Advanced Diploma in Business Management


This course is specially designed to equip trainee with theoretical and practical perspective of business management. It aims to enhance trainee decision making skills and their ability to carry out duties more effectively and efficiently in the challenging business world.


The aims of this course are to enable students to have the relative attitude, knowledge and skills in the following areas; Business Environment, Finance Resource and Decision, Organisational Behaviour, Principle of Marketing, Business Decision, Business Strategy, Management Accounting, Business Excellence and Research Project.

Entry Requirements:

1) Age: 18 and above;

2) Academic Level: Obtained at least a Pass at GCE A-Level in any 3 subjects or equivalent;

3) Language: Obtained at least C6 at GCE O-Level in English Language or a pass in placement test.


1. Business Environment

2. Finance Resource and Decision

3. Organisational Behaviour

4. Principle of Marketing

5. Business Decision

6. Business Strategy

7. Management Accounting

8. Business Excellence

9. Research Project

Course Duration

Full time, 12 months, Monday to Friday, 3 hours per day


Intakes Start Date
01 03-01-2023 – 31-12-2023
02 14-02-2023 – 13-02-2024
03 20-03-2023 – 19-03-2024
04 25-04-2023 – 24-04-2024
05 29/05/2023 – 28-05-2023
06 17/07/2023 – 16-07-2024
07 21/08/2023 – 20-08-2024
08 09/10/2023 – 08-10-2024
09 20/11/2023 – 19-11-2024

Please note that prospective students are advised to submit their application at least 6 weeks before the start date.

Manner of Teaching

Lectures, tutorial, discussion strategies, teamwork

Average Teacher – Student Ratio

1:73 (maximum)

Manner of assessment / examination

Mid and End of module written examination and project for Research Project module

Criteria for Graduation

Complete course and all modules must obtained at least 50%

And Meet Minimum Attendance Requirement for

– Foreign Student – At least 90% attendance (absence with valid reason)

– Local Student – At least 75% attendance (absence with valid reason)

Criteria for Progression

Not Applicable

Progression Pathway

Not Applicable

Criteria for Award

Complete course and all modules must obtained at least 50%

And Meet Minimum Attendance Requirement for

– Foreign Student – At least 90% attendance (absence with valid reason)

– Local Student – At least 75% attendance (absence with valid reason)


Advanced Diploma in Business Management

Awarding Body

Birmingham Academy


Fees Structure (S$- Singapore Dollar)

Total Course Fee: S$9,265.00 (with GST)

Click here to view total course fee breakdown.


Document Required for Course Application

  1. Photocopy of Passport
  2. Two recent passport sized photographs (with white background)
  3. One certified true copy of highest educational certificate
  4. One certified true copy of highest educational results transcript

where Student Pass application is to be applied, the following documents must be provided.

  1. One certified true copy of birth certificate
  2. Bank Statements/Fixed Deposit for visa required nationals
  3. Photocopy of parents’ passport (If below 18 years old)
  4. Certified true copy of working testimonials stating the position held and salary per month. (If unemployed, provide parents’ or spouse’s working testimonials)


Please note that Notarised Translations are required if the documents are not in English.


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非整数奥迪奥tortor。在HAC habitasse platea dictumst。前庭森帕turpis悲,sed的预期值,也ultrices简历auctor。 Curabitur欧盟eleifend直径。 Etiam交流Libero在奥奇ultricies tincidunt欧盟简历酒后驾车。


非整数奥迪奥tortor。在HAC habitasse platea dictumst。前庭森帕turpis悲,sed的预期值,也ultrices简历auctor。 Curabitur欧盟eleifend直径。 Etiam交流Libero在奥奇ultricies tincidunt欧盟简历酒后驾车。狮子座的整数乌仁娜,tincidunt ID hendrerit等,posuere坐阿梅德悲。PROIN SED tortor convallis,ullamcorper奥迪奥等,euismod麦格纳。 Praesent在tortor eget爱神鲆ultrices。欧盟华富ID英里。


非整数奥迪奥tortor。在HAC habitasse platea dictumst。前庭森帕turpis悲,sed的预期值,也ultrices简历auctor。 Curabitur欧盟eleifend直径。 Etiam交流Libero在奥奇ultricies tincidunt欧盟简历酒后驾车。
